
I love this artwork. Sometimes I think it is one of the best artworks that I have had the pleasure of working with in the 12 years that I have been working in the visual arts sector.

The work is titled “Blue” and is a Woodcut print (20 in the edition) 50cm X 50cm in size, by Zolani Siphungela.

Why do I love it so much? The composition, balance and rhythm feel right and seem to lure one into a sense of lazy ease associated with sleep.
But then – reading from left to right – the open window, the curtains gently moving in the breeze and the two figures sleeping. They look uneasy. I don’t see two people sleeping peacefully. Their expressions, his more so than hers, carry frowns. Are they worried about something? Nervous? Bothered? Or just unhappy?
The atmosphere is dark and ominous. Why are they sleeping with the window open? Aren’t they concerned that someone might take advantage of this? They look vulnerable. I see, no feel, tension.

On Monday 4 June, his second solo exhibition of recent paintings will open at the AVA gallery in Church Street, Cape Town.

The artwork above is available from Worldart for R3,900 vat inclusive.

Charl Bezuidenhout